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Miros dulce de iarna

My first memories of winter are those where I was together with my family where my grandma's story of the adventures and mischief of her youth lighted our souls, and in return we read for her our schoolbooks or storybooks. She was insatiable of learning new things. So evenings were held to the fireside, reading, while grandma made us tea from the orange peel and humble cakes on the stove. How many of us have grandparents who have made this tea? many, I suppose. Citrus smell enveloped us, gave us that feeling of happiness, safe feel and that, only grace of her ... Christmas is approaching, and another one will be spent away from home. I open a clementine, her smell penetrates my nostrils, I close my eyes and I let myself go in the past, to places closed to heart ... Coming back from dreaming, I analyze citrus peel, searching the office for styrofoam balls, I pass a floral wire through every ball and think that should work. Dying the sugar paste in a close shade , roll it thinly and I wrap the ball, then with tools begun to make uneven surface. This way was formedthe first sugar clementine.


Primele mele amintiri de iarna sunt cele in care eram alaturi de familie. Bunica ne povestea din peripetiile si nazdravaniile tineretii sale iar noi la randul nostru ii citeam din manualele scolare sau din cartile de povesti. Era avida de lectura si de a invata lucruri noi , de aceea ne asculta cu atentie sporita. Cam asa se desfasurau serile, la gura sobei , citind, in timp ce bunica ne facea turte pe plita si ceai din coji de portocale. Cati dintre noi au bunici care le-au facut acest ceai ? multi presupun. Mirosul de citrice ne invaluia, ne dadea acea stare de fericire, de liniste si protectie si asta doar datorita ei...

Se apropie Craciunul, si va fi inca unul petrecut departe de casa. Desfac o clementina, mirosul ei imi patrunde narile, inchid ochii si ma las purtata in trecut, spre locuri dragi inimii...

Revenind din visare, analizez coaja citricei, caut prin birou bile de styrofoam, trec un fir de sarma invelita prin el si ma gandesc ca e perfect. Colorez pasta de zahar intr-o nuanta apropiata, o intind subtire si invelesc bila, apoi cu ustensile de modelat incep sa ii fac denivelari la suprafata. Asa a luat forma prima clementina in zahar.


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